Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery
Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery
Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery
Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery
Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery
Tango Stitch

Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery

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Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery, Tango Stitch

Welcome to the delightful world of Zig Zag Ornament Fish! These cute critters are perfect for cozy cross stitch hand embroidery projects, and are sure to give a unique, playful charm to your work. Let your imagination run wild with these eye-catching designs!

Simple cross stitch design:

This cross stitch patterns only uses full stitches and is suitable both for beginners and experts.

About Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery:

This pattern is an instant download PDF file, NOT a physical item. Any fabric, threads or any other materials are NOT included.

Content of Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery: 

You will receive a PDF file:

  • A main page with embroidery image;
  • A page with the key;
  • 2 pages with color and black symbols patterns;
  • zoomed color symbols pattern at 4 pages for comfortable stitching;
  • zoomed black symbols pattern at 4 pages for comfortable stitching.

Stitches required for this cross stitch:

• Full crosses.

***  Find information about cross stitch fabric and threads in the attached pictures.  

How to open Zig zag ornament fish cute animals cross stitch hand embroidery:

This PDF file will be available through an automatic download as soon as the transaction is completed.

In order to open PDF files you will need Adobe Reader or any other PDF file readers. 

Due to the nature of the cross stitch pattern (digital file), no refunds can be made. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact me and I'm sure we can work it out together.

TANGO STITCH cross stitch patterns are for personal use only. Please do not redistribute, share or sell my cross stitch designs.

More Cute animals cross stitch patterns

Thanks so much for visiting! I am sure you will have a lot of fun with these handmade projects.

I wish you a great day!

Tango Stitch

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